Wednesday, June 01, 2005


After watching a high profile televangelist’s programme the other night I was concerned to realise that in the whole of her half hour programme she only mentioned Jesus once, and that was as an example of Godly behaviour not his Godly identity. Christianity, in this programme, did not warrant a mention at all.

What did get mentioned was God and prayer. She constantly talked about being in right relationship with God, but Christ was not part of the equation. It seemed to me that in her preaching the role of Christ had been replaced by the lady herself. You can pay your money and join with her in petitioning God to have your prayer answered. The implication of this position is that we can have a healthy relationship with God without going through Christ.

To me this feels suspiciously like the position of Rev. Peter Carnley, the retiring (retired?) Primate of the Anglican Church of Australia when he said there are many ways to God, not just through Christ.

We have to be so careful not to leave Christ out of the equation of our lives, or our relationship with God.

The Bible is very clear on this point. In Matthew 7:13 Jesus says; "Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it." Jesus did not claim to point the way or show one of many paths. Instead He said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through me."(John 14:6)

When influential, public, professed “Christians” start excluding Christ from their relationship with God, it is obvious that we are at a time of real danger. To either deliberately or inadvertently remove Christ from the equation of our faith is to throw the baby out with the bathwater. By removing Christ from the equation of our faith we remove ourselves from the equation of our salvation.

When Christ sacrificed himself on the cross he took on the punishment for our sins. In shedding his blood he forgave us.

His real sacrifice was a model for the spiritual sacrifice required of us in return – to sacrifice our sinful nature daily (especially our pride) and follow him. Without Christ we can never be worthy to stand in the presence of God. Let's keep Christ in the equation of our faith.

Heavenly Father, at this critical time in the history of mankind, perhaps even the “end of days”, strengthen us in our resolve to not get distracted by the things of the world or by the false teaching of inconstant preachers. Keep us focused on the goal: our Lord Jesus Christ. The only way that a loving, eternal relationship with you can be truly established. Amen.


At 10:36 AM, Blogger John said...

Its been a long time coming Mav, but it was worth the wait! :) Great post and great topic.

Another one of these TV Evangelist whose programme lasts an hour and who recently wrote a book that has sold over a million copies, is in the same league, nothing of Christ is mentioned in the book until the last page when he asks people to say the sinners prayer.

I just wonder after reading your post, what they are being saved too, him or Christ?


At 2:47 PM, Blogger maverick mindset said...

Thanks for the encouragement John. I'm battling with a "blog-hog" here, that and the occasional writers block. But enough of the pathetic excuses; this topic is of major concern to me. Take Christ out of Christianity and we have "ianity" or rather "insanity".

At 12:58 AM, Blogger Jeannie said...

amen to all of the above and more..

At 2:28 AM, Blogger pete porter said...

It seems that preachers are reluctant of the offence of the cross. There view is distorted. The cross of Jesus is the place and way of the Father's blessings to man. If we don't preach this then there is no way to the Father, as the veil would remain in the temple, and we would have no access to Him.
Be Blessed,


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